XSEDE Virtual Machine UBUNTU

Installing SOMOSPIE

Installing SOMOSPIE on XSEDE virtual Machine

To get started with SOMOSPIE Engine on an XSEDE virtual machine, make sure you meet the prerequisites, then clone SOMOSPIE.


Set a XSEDE virtual machine

  1. Launch the following XSEDE UBUNTU image.
  2. Click on Launch
  3. You can leave the default values in "Basic Info" section, but make sure to select m1.medium (CPU:6, Mem: 16 GB, Disk: 60GB) on "Instance Size"
  4. Click on Launch Instance
  5. Wait until the status of your virtual machine is Active with a green dot
  6. You are ready to clone and run SOMOSPIE

Cloning and running SOMOSPIE

  1. Clone SOMOSPIE

    username@js-169-84:~$git clone --recursive https://github.com/TauferLab/SOMOSPIE

  2. To continue setup, we need to activate the anaconda evironment that will be used for SOMOSPIE.ipynb. On Jetstream, use the built-in "ez" method:


  3. Once you see URL for accessing Jupyter Notebook, return to the command-line: force exit by pressing Ctrl+C twice.
  4. The final setup step is simple:

    username@js-169-84:~$make bash

  5. You are now ready to start using SOMOSPIE! Launch Jupyter Notebooks with ezj, click the link provided, and open SOMOSPIE.ipynb.



Cloning and running SOMOSPIE

  1. Clone SOMOSPIE

    username@js-169-84:~$git clone --recursive https://github.com/TauferLab/SOMOSPIE

  2. Install the required libraries:

    username@js-169-84:~$make jetstream

  3. Run Jupyter notebook:
